I am a primary school teacher of 12+ years working across KS1 and KS2.
I am currently in Year 1 and use colourful semantics as a foundation for early sentence writing. I have also introduced continuous provision in my classroom.
Please take a look at my shop and use the resources to support learning in your classroom.
I am a primary school teacher of 12+ years working across KS1 and KS2.
I am currently in Year 1 and use colourful semantics as a foundation for early sentence writing. I have also introduced continuous provision in my classroom.
Please take a look at my shop and use the resources to support learning in your classroom.
This pack has been created to support writing linked to the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. The picture cards can be used to sequence the story as well as describe the owls.
Colourful Semantics is a fun and creative way to help students structure their sentences in a way that makes sense and is interesting to read or hear. It helps them understand the different parts of a sentence and how they work together.
These cards are best suited to children working at a Year 1 or Year 2 level, children who have English as an additional language or children who have additional learning needs.
Pack includes:
How to use colourful semantics.
Over 150 labelled and wordless cards
8 templates to support building sentences
This is a digital download.
This items work best when printed on to card and then laminated for repeated use.
Alternatively, the pictures will fit into a school exercise book.
This pack has been created to support writing linked to the book STUCK by Oliver Jeffers
Pack includes:
How to use colourful semantics.
Over 10 pages of labelled and unlabelled cards
Over 150 cards including:
Who? What doing? What? Describe?
8 templates to support building sentences
Colourful Semantics is a fun and creative way to help students structure their sentences in a way that makes sense and is interesting to read or hear. It helps them understand the different parts of a sentence and how they work together.
These cards are best suited to children working at a Year 1 or Year 2 level, children who have English as an additional language or children who have additional learning needs.
This is a digital download.
This items work best when printed on to card and then laminated for repeated use.
Alternatively, the pictures will fit into a school exercise book.
This pack has been created to support writing linked to the story Toys in space by Mini Gray
Pack includes:
How to use colourful semantics.
Over 10 pages of labelled cards and unlabelled cards
Who? What doing? What? Describe?
8 templates to support building sentences
Colourful Semantics is a fun and creative way to help students structure their sentences in a way that makes sense and is interesting to read or hear. It helps them understand the different parts of a sentence and how they work together.
These cards are best suited to children working at a Year 1 or Year 2 level, children who have English as an additional language or children who have additional learning needs.
This is a digital download.
This items work best when printed on to card and then laminated for repeated use.
Alternatively, the pictures will fit into a school exercise book.
This pack has been created to support writing linked to the story The King’s pant by Nicholas Allan. The picture cards can be used to sequence the story as well as describe the characters.
Colourful Semantics is a fun and creative way to help students structure their sentences in a way that makes sense and is interesting to read or hear. It helps them understand the different parts of a sentence and how they work together.
These cards are best suited to children working at a Year 1 or Year 2 level, children who have English as an additional language or children who have additional learning needs.
Pack includes:
How to use colourful semantics.
Labelled cards
15 x Who?
15 x What doing?
20 x What?
10x Where?
20x Describe?
75 wordless cards
8 templates to support building sentences
FREE: Goldilocks and the three bears colourful semantics
This is a digital download.
This items work best when printed on to card and then laminated for repeated use.
Alternatively, the pictures will fit into a school exercise book.
This pack has been created to support writing linked to the story The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle. The picture cards can be used to sequence the story as well as describe the caterpillar.
Pack includes:
How to use colourful semantics.
Labelled cards
20 x Who?
20x What doing?
25 x What?
20 x Where?
20 x Describe?
95 wordless cards
8 templates to support building sentences
Colourful Semantics is a fun and creative way to help students structure their sentences in a way that makes sense and is interesting to read or hear. It helps them understand the different parts of a sentence and how they work together.
These cards are best suited to children working at a Year 1 or Year 2 level, children who have English as an additional language or children who have additional learning needs.
This is a digital download.
This items work best when printed on to card and then laminated for repeated use.
Alternatively, the pictures will fit into a school exercise book.
This bundle consists of colourful semantics for three books by Rachel Bright and Jim Field.
The lion inside
The squirrels who squabbled
The Koala who could
Each pack contains over 15 pages of labelled and unlablled colourful semantics cards.
This pack has been created to support writing linked to the story The cook and the King by Julia Donaldson. The picture cards can be used to sequence the story as well as describe the characters.
Colourful Semantics is a fun and creative way to help students structure their sentences in a way that makes sense and is interesting to read or hear. It helps them understand the different parts of a sentence and how they work together.
These cards are best suited to children working at a Year 1 or Year 2 level, children who have English as an additional language or children who have additional learning needs.
Pack includes:
How to use colourful semantics.
Labelled cards
15 x Who?
20 x What doing?
15 x What?
15 x Where?
10 x Describe?
75 wordless cards
8 templates to support building sentences
FREE: Goldilocks and the three bears colourful semantics
This is a digital download.
This items work best when printed on to card and then laminated for repeated use.
This pack has been created to support writing linked to the story The enormous turnip.
Colourful Semantics is a fun and creative way to help students structure their sentences in a way that makes sense and is interesting to read or hear. It helps them understand the different parts of a sentence and how they work together.
These cards are best suited to children working at an Early Years, Year 1 or Year 2 level, children who have English as an additional language or children who have additional learning needs.
Pack includes:
How to use colourful semantics.
Labelled cards
Who? What doing? What? Describe?
Unlabelled cards
8 templates to support building sentences
This is a digital download.
This items work best when printed on to card and then laminated for repeated use.
Alternatively, the pictures will fit into a school exercise book.
This pack has been created to support writing linked to the story The leaf thief by Alice Hemming and Nicola Slater.
Pack includes:
How to use colourful semantics.
Over 10 pages of labelled cards and unlabelled cards
Who? What doing? What? Describe?
8 templates to support building sentences
Colourful Semantics is a fun and creative way to help students structure their sentences in a way that makes sense and is interesting to read or hear. It helps them understand the different parts of a sentence and how they work together.
These cards are best suited to children working at a Year 1 or Year 2 level, children who have English as an additional language or children who have additional learning needs.
This is a digital download.
This items work best when printed on to card and then laminated for repeated use.
Alternatively, the pictures will fit into a school exercise book.
This pack has been created to support writing linked to the story Jack and the beanstalk
Pack includes:
How to use colourful semantics.
Over 10 pages of labelled and unlabelled cards
Who? What doing? What? Describe?
8 templates to support building sentences
Colourful Semantics is a fun and creative way to help students structure their sentences in a way that makes sense and is interesting to read or hear. It helps them understand the different parts of a sentence and how they work together.
These cards are best suited to children working at a Year 1 or Year 2 level, children who have English as an additional language or children who have additional learning needs.
This is a digital download.
This items work best when printed on to card and then laminated for repeated use.
Alternatively, the pictures will fit into a school exercise book.
Colourful Semantics is a fun and creative way to help students structure their sentences in a way that makes sense and is interesting to read or hear. It helps them understand the different parts of a sentence and how they work together.
With over 100 vocabulary cards, this pack is a great starting point for children who are starting to build sentences and develop independence in writing.
These cards are best suited to children working at a Year 1 or Year 2 level, children who have English as an additional language or children who have additional learning needs.
Pack includes:
How to use colourful semantics.
Labelled cards
20 x Who?
20 x What doing?
20 x What?
20 x Where?
20 x Describe?
100 wordless cards
8 templates to support building sentences
This is a digital download.
This items work best when printed on to card and then laminated for repeated use.
Alternatively, the pictures will fit into a school exercise book.